
This Disclaimer has been created in order to inform users about the rights, uses, restrictions, responsibilities, etc., to be applied when browsing the web site señ, owned by BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A.

The web site señ includes contents and products subject to intellectual and industrial rights. The abusive use of which, outside authorised limits, shall be dealt with using the relevant legal channels, and so, we advise that use be made under the parameters of responsibility and good faith.

Identification Details of the Information Society Service Provider

Pursuant to section 10 of Law 34/2002, regarding Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we hereby inform you that BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A., with Tax Identification Number A31701444, manage the content of the Site señ, with registered address for this purpose in Camino de Araiz, s/n, Olite, Navarra, España.

If you wish to contact us, you can write to the above address, and also by telephone 948 926 963 and email

Acceptance and validity of the general and specific terms and conditions

Browsing, using and/or ordering any of the products on offer on this website confers you the condition of User and constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of each and every item in the General Conditions and, when applicable, Specific Conditions valid when you enter our Web site.

BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. reserves the right to unilaterally increase and modify, at any time and without previous notification, the presentation, configuration, and content of the Web Page, and also to temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and website services.

General Terms and Conditions of use of this web site

Use obligations

All users agree to fulfill these General Conditions of use, to be bound by them while they are in force and to act according to the applicable law, and moral principles of good faith and customs, to use the service provided in an appropriate manner, and to refrain from using this web site in any way that could prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal functioning of this web site, the property and rights of the owner BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A., the rest of the Users or, in general, of any third party. It is expressly forbidden to make any unlawful use of the website, contrary to public policy and/or detrimental to people’s rights or interests, in such case BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. reserves the right to take the legal action deemed convenient.

It is forbidden to use the Web Site for illicit or detrimental purposes against BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. or any third party. When using the Web Site, the User agrees not to act in any way that may damage the image, interests and/or the rights of BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. and/or third parties or that could damage, render useless or overload the Web Site, or prevent the normal use of the Web Site in any way.

Likewise, any formality performed on the Web Site must be carried out in the Users own name, to guarantee that the information that has been obtained in this instance by legitimate means corresponding to the Users real situation.

BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. may, at all times and without notification, modify these General Conditions, and the Specific Conditions that, as the case may be, may be included, by publishing such modifications on the web site in order to inform the Users.

Additionally, BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A.reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notification, the structure and design of the Web Site without prejudice to any obligations arising from legislation regarding consumer and User protection or other applicable rules.

Exclusion of liability

BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. shall not be responsible, including but not limited to in any way, the following actions:

However, BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. states that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and available in technology, to guarantee the working of the Site and avoid the presence and transmission of virus and other components harmful to Users.


BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. may offer links, directly or indirectly, to external resources or internet web pages. These links found on the Site are purely informative, and under no circumstances constitute an invitation to hire products and/ or services that are offered or may be offered on the landing web pages nor do they imply the existence of a commercial or dependency relationship with the owning entity of the linked web page. In such cases, BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. shall not be responsible for establishing the general and specific terms to be considered when third parties use, deliver or hire these services and, therefore, cannot be considered responsible for such actions.

BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. does not have the capacity nor human nor technical resources to know, control or check all of the information, content, products nor services provided by other web pages to which links may be established from the Site. Therefore, BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. will not accept any responsibility for any aspect related to the web pages to which links may be established from the Site, particularly, including but not limited to, the functioning, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of their products and services, their own links and/or any of their general content.

However, if BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. becomes aware that any activity or information sent from such links were unlawful, constitutes an offence or may damage the assets or rights of third parties, the necessary measures will be taken to delete or eliminate the corresponding link as soon as possible.

Likewise, if the Users were to become aware of any unlawful activities carried out on third party web pages, they must notify BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. immediately so that they can eliminate the link to such pages.

If any User, entity or web page wishes to establish any kind of link to the Site they must take the following into account:

Industrial and intellectual property

BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. is the owner or has obtained the corresponding license on the exploitation rights regarding intellectual, industrial and image property on the contents available through the same, including, but not limited to, texts, graphic designs, drawings, codes, software, photographs, videos, sounds, databases, indexes, images, trademarks, logos, expressions and information and, in general, any other creation protected by national regulations and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property (hereinafter, jointly, the Content).

All intellectual and industrial property rights over the Contents are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reproduce, publicly communicate, transform or distribute, in any way, all or part of the Contents included on the Site, for public or commercial purposes, without the prior, express and written authorization from BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. or, where appropriate, from the owner of the corresponding rights. The use of distinctive signs (trademarks, trade names) is not allowed either, unless expressly authorized by BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A..

The User’s access and navigation through the Site shall in no case be understood as a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of the aforementioned rights by BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A..

Consequently, it is forbiedden to remove, evade or manipulate the copyright notice and any other data identifying the rights of the Entity or its owners included in the Content, as well as the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints, or any information and/or identification mechanisms that may be contained therein.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general conditions shall be governed by Spanish law. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable consumer and user protection regulations, BODEGAS PAGOS DE ARAIZ, S.A. and the User, expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them. They agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Avilés, for any questions or actions that may arise from the provision of the Website service and its services and contents and on the interpretation, application, enforcement or breach of the provisions therein.